Apple Cider Vinegar: Cure All Elixir

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most talked about health foods in recent years. Touted for its digestive wizardry it is fast becoming a crucial component of many people’s daily routine.

It is made by squashing an apple and then juice left to brew. This process is known as fermentation of the sugar. This turns them into acetic acid, the main active ingredient in vinegar.

It is a well knows fact that Apple cider vinegar were used in cooking by generation way back. The earliest known use of it dates back 10000 years (Tan, 2005), however more people are now experiencing the benefits of it as a health supplement.

Is apple cider vinegar a blood thinner ?

There are not sufficient studies to support Apple cider vinegar as a blood thinner, however a small test was conducted to see the effects Apple cider vinegar on blood flow. The test was as follows: the subject drunk water mixed with 3 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar before consuming any other food or drink. His blood was shown to flow freely before drinking the water/vinegar mix. Forty minutes later blood flow observations showed the Apple cider vinegar had decreased the blood flow. It would appear Apple cider vinegar does not have a good effect on blood flow. You can witness it in a video below.

Apple vinegar side effect

Health Benefits & Side Effects of apple cider vinegar

           There is claim that Apple cider vinegar can help with killing harmful bacteria’s. People have traditionally used Apple cider vinegar for cleaning, disinfecting, treating nail fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine used it to clean wounds over 2,000 years ago (Hippocrates, 1886).

To date one of the most exciting developments is Apple cider vinegar helping to treat type 2 diabetes. This has shown great promise in improving insulin sensitivity and helping to lower blood sugars after meals.

(Jamison, et al, 2006)

According to the Johnston study, Apple Cider vinegar can be used for a weight loss. It seems that Apple cider vinegar treats the mind and helps individual to consume less calories. It can also give you a feeling of satiety.

A common dosage for Apple cider vinegar ranges from 1tsp to 2tbs per day, either used in cooking or mixed in a glass of water. Apple cider vinegar appears to be safe if excessive amounts are not taken.

On another hand Kong discovered that apple cider vinegar also have a side effects. It mainly impacts an individuals who has diabetic conditions because it makes blood glucose level management harder. The second effect is it could cause a delay in food departure the stomach.

Apple cider vinegar may reduce appetite but may also cause nausea especially when the vinegar is part of an unpleasant tasting drink.

There are no controlled studies on Apple cider vinegar’s effects on the blood or blood potassium levels and bone loss. There is one documented case report that was attributed to large doses of Apple cider vinegar taken over a long period of time.

            Acidic foods and beverages have been shown to erode tooth enamel.

(Darzi J, et al, 2014).

 Drug interactions, the acid in Apple cider vinegar clashes with diabetes medication and potassium lowing medication. It has also been shown to interact badly with Warfarin.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Warfarin

There are no studies that show Apple cider vinegar reacts badly with Warfarin. If Apple cider vinegar is not consumed in large amounts, it is safe to have while on Warfarin. It always pays to check with your doctor first.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Diabetes

 Apple cider vinegar may decrease blood sugar in people with diabetes. Mixed with diabetes medications may cause blood sugar to go too low. Always check with your doctor before consuming any amount of Apple cider vinegar if you have diabetes.

Nutritional Facts for Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains many of the same nutrients as Apple cider. These include Vitamin C, B group vitamins and polyphenols. The process of fermenting the apple cider vinegar produces acetic acid which helps our bodies better absorb certain minerals in our food.

To get the most nutrients out of cider vinegar, it is better to purchase the unfiltered variety. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidants that aid in healing cell damage. The vinegar will look cloudy as it contains some of the ‘mother’ – helpful enzymes and bacteria that are good or the digestive tract. Filtered apple cider vinegar is usually pasteurized, a process which removes the beneficial ‘mother’ from the vinegar.

The B vitamins help the various enzymes in your body to transport oxygen around the body and helping to create energy from food. Apple cider vinegar contains no calories and no carbohydrates.


            While the benefits of Apple cider vinegar outweigh the precautions, there is still much research to be conducted to determine its efficacy and to gain robust information on the good and the bad of this golden liquid.

            People are increasingly enjoying the health implications of Apple cider vinegar by using it in dressings, stir-fries, and other dishes or by adding 3 tbsp to a glass of water and drinking it before bed or early in the morning.

            Skin care specialists use it in the products for acne, sun damage and the balancing of the skin’s pH levels. Apple cider vinegar is used in face masks for soothing and moisturizing and body washes.

            This cure- all elixir has a place in homes and restaurants around the world. It also lives in supermarkets and specialty health stores. Pick up your bottle today and use it in safe amounts, making sure you check with your doctor to ensure it is right for you.