Why don’t doctors tell people with Type II diabetes to drop carbs?

Carbohydrates are bad for American diabetics and are among the common misconceptions surrounding diabetes. The perception is a myth because carbohydrates are a foundation for a healthy diet. However, carbohydrates influence the blood sugar level depending on how much an American diabetic consumes daily. Some carbohydrates have other minerals that make them useful for the body. Other starchy carbohydrates have little benefit for the human body while increasing the risk of high glucose levels.

American diabetics already understand that carbohydrates increase the risk of high blood sugar levels. There are temptations to substitute carbohydrates with proteins as a source of energy. However, some proteins risk cardiovascular diseases due to high saturated fats. Diabetics are at risk of other complications that affect the quality of life one lives, such as heart diseases. As a result, American diabetics should take control of the portions that they consume. Health experts encourage diabetics to consult their doctors about the right amounts of carbohydrates they should eat.

Both carbs and fats act as sources of energy for the body. However, they function optimally as sources of energy when used independently. That means that when the body relies on carbohydrates as a source of energy, then more of it should be eaten. Eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates or fats will have a negative impact on an American diabetic. The increase in blood sugar levels resulting in either of the actions will destabilize a diabetes patient.

Doctors do not require people with type II diabetes to drop carbohydrates from their diet. Instead, health experts encourage American diabetics to eat a low-carb diet. Doctors conducted a clinical study targeting 1,357 people with type II diabetes eating a low-carb diet or a very low-carb diet for six months. The study revealed that diabetics who managed to stick with the low or the very low carb diet experienced diabetes remission. Other advantages that a low-carb diet has for diabetics include weight loss, reduced medication, and a healthy body.

Type II diabetics are carbohydrate intolerant. Eliminating carbohydrates will strain the body since they are the primary energy source. Maintaining a low-carb diet is strenuous and challenging for patients. However, a low-carb diet helps American diabetics reduce the body’s burden to produce more insulin. It will also be possible to maintain the recommended blood sugar level.

Switching to a low-carb diet is not easy, and it causes several American diabetics to give up and resume old habits. It is recommendable that diabetics should focus on changing individual meals. For instance, the American diabetic might consider changing dinner to a low-carb diet before proceeding to other meals. Diabetics should also identify some meals that they can substitute with healthier products. For example, an American diabetic should consider cooking a healthy meal at home than purchasing fries and burgers. The initial two weeks can be tedious, but it gets easy when one notices the positive changes associated with a low-carb diet.

American diabetics must ensure that they remain on track with the recommended meals by creating a meal diary. The meal plan will help track the number of times to eat each day and what food to consume at a particular time. Such a meal diary will make it easy for American diabetics to plan their food on time and resist fast foods.

Healthcare givers emphasize that a low-carb diet positively impacts American diabetics since it facilitates remission. As a result, diabetes patients should not refrain from carbohydrates due to their association with high blood sugar levels. Health experts recommend that diabetics consult their doctors or dieticians when making meal decisions. Such a measure makes it possible to assess the risk one faces when eating a carbohydrate meal.

What is the best diet for a diabetic?

The prevalence of diabetes in a country depends on lifestyle and dietary choices among the people. Countries where people rely more on fast foods like burgers, fries, and sodas have a high rate of diabetes. People in such countries eat fewer vegetables and natural fish. Determining a country with a high or low rate of diabetics takes two approaches. In approach one, it accounts for the total number of diabetics in the country. Approach two considers the percentage of diabetics compared to the total population. The second approach is better for comparative analysis since countries with high populations will have more diabetics.

According to the diabetes council, countries with the lowest rates of diabetes are the least westernized. In this link, the council outlines African countries like Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Togo, Senegal, Liberia, Mali, and Zimbabwe to have the lowest prevalence rate for diabetes. The African countries named above maintain a diabetes prevalence rate below 2%. Other countries such as Ireland, Estonia, and Lithuania maintain an average diabetes rate of 4%. Australia, Sweden, Britain, and Luxembourg have an average diabetes prevalence rate of about 5%.

Diabetes prevalence in a country directly connects with the dietary choices people make. Economically developed countries quickly adapt to the sedimentary western lifestyle and easily forego their cultural foods. Examples of such countries include China and the U.S. since they experience superior economic growth. However, the diabetes prevalence rate is high in both countries, with 116 million positive cases in China and 31 million American diabetics.

Since diet influences the rate of diabetes prevalence, it is essential to identify the best diet for diabetics. Identifying the best diet for diabetes will reduce the prevalence of American diabetes since people will adjust their meal choices. The issue of diet is shared on social platforms such as Reddit. The discussions show that doctors encourage their diabetic patients to eat small amounts of carbohydrates. However, the users encourage those asking questions to visit a dietician for a proper diabetes meal education.

A diabetes diet should help control blood sugar, maintain recommended weight, and make a diabetic feel good. Choosing meals that one can sustainably acquire and sustain life is crucial. A person with diabetes should have a balanced diet. However, one must also learn how to balance the meals. Diabetes educators recommend that individuals cut back on fried, sugary, salty, and fatty foods. Instead, diabetics should focus on veggies, whole grains, lean protein, fruits, healthy fats, and low-fat dairy. Dieticians recommend that diabetics should eat after every few hours to maintain recommended blood-sugar level.

Determining the recommended food for American diabetics depend on the glycemic index. The term refers to how easy it is for a specific type of food to raise blood glucose levels. Foods with a high glycemic index are unsuitable for American diabetics because they can spike blood sugar levels. The body might be unable to handle the body well. Foods with a glycemic index include white rice, white bread, soda, candy, and corn syrup. Food with a low glycemic index includes vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts, and meat. It is not recommended for one to cut off all foods with high glycemic index completely. Instead, they should opt for foods with a low glycemic index. However, when having meals with multiple ingredients, they should ensure that all food does not have a high glycemic index.

Diabetes educators recommend that their patients should adopt low-carb diets. A low-carb meal help diabetics maintain the required blood sugar levels. It also helps diabetes patients with weight management. Some low-carb meal plans recommended for American diabetics include the Mediterranean diet, DASH, and the Zone diet.

Mediterranean diet

The diet plan outlines what a diabetic should eat and prohibited foods. The diet consists of a lot of vegetables and fruits. It also encourages diabetes patients to eat chicken, fish, whole grains, olive oil, nuts, and legumes. The diet meal plan prohibits salt, butter, and red meat. The American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics take one glass of wine alongside their meals in this plan. The meal plan is essential for diabetics since it enables them to maintain the recommended blood sugar levels.

People on the Mediterranean diet has the lowest diabetes rate and one of the lowest cancer rate.


The dietician also recommends a DASH meal plan for diabetics since it significantly lowers blood pressure. Health experts conducted a study in 2011 that revealed DASH helps reduce insulin sensitivity. The meal plan encourages patients to eat beans, whole grains, nuts, low-fat dairy, vegetables, and fruits. DASH allows diabetes patients to eat sweets in moderation.

The Zone diet

The zone diet substantially helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body. The diet plan allocates percentages of each type of food recommended for diabetics. That is 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30% proteins. However, the meal restricts some carbohydrates based on their glycemic index. For instance, the zone diet recommends chicken and barley but forbids egg yolk and potatoes. Due to its ability to control glycemic index, a zone diet helps reduce waist size. Diabetics must consult with their doctors before settling on a meal plan. It is much beneficial when a diabetes educator helps determine the appropriate meal plan for American diabetics. The experts help narrow down on meal choices and determine what ingredients will be sustainable long-term. A suitable meal will help to control diabetes better.